Selasa, 08 Desember 2015

Understanding Nutrition and Nutritional Substances Definitions In Food

Understanding Nutrition (nutrient) is a chemical bond that the body needs to perform its functions, which produce energy, build and maintain the network and to manage the processes of life (Almatsier, 2005). According Sediaoetama, 1997 (in Santoso, 2004), nutrition or food is a basic ingredient of food preparation that has the function of energy or energy sources, support the growth of the body, maintain and replace body tissue, regulates metabolism and plays a role in the body's defense mechanisms.

Understanding Nutrition and Nutritional Substances Definitions In Food
Understanding Nutrients - Generally the nutrients we know is: carbohydrate or carbohydrate, protein, or albumin, fat-vitaimin vitamins and minerals. There is a group of experts that add oxygen to the water this reason has not been accepted by all the experts (Sediaoetama, 2000). The fifth short explanation of these nutrients are:

Carbohydrate or carbohydrate
Protein or albumin

Benefits of nutrients
Classification of food based on the function of nutrients according Sediaoetama, (2000) are:
Energy nutrients, namely carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These nutrients are mostly generated by basic foodstuffs. Energy substances from the food staple used for growth and to move.
Nutrients of cells, mainly occupied by proteins that food side dishes belonging to the food source of a useful building block for development.
Nutrients regulator, into the group including vitamins and minerals. Regulators required the child to the child's body organs function properly.

Source - a source of nutrients
Food sources of carbohydrates: rice, corn, potatoes, cassava, sweet potatoes, wheat flour, noodles, taro.
Food sources of vegetable protein: tempeh, tofu, green beans, soybeans, red beans, peanuts. Food sources of animal protein: eggs, fish, chicken, meat, liver, shrimp, catfish, anchovies, milk.
Food sources of vitamins and minerals: vegetables and fruits
Fruits belonged food sources of regulators, sources regulator especially dark green vegetables such as cassava leaves, leaves of bean, leaf melinjo, papaya, kale, spinach, mustard greens and vegetables that are yellow, orange such as carrots, tomatoes, squash yellow. Similarly, vegetables group beans - legumes such as beans, chickpeas, cowpeas. Fruit - fruit such as papaya, pineapple, guava, mango, jackfruit ripe, bananas, oranges, guava, rambutan, apples (Santoso 2004). Food sources of fat: vegetable oils - vegetable (palm oil, palm oil, peanuts, soybeans, corn, etc.), butter, margarine and animal fats (fatty meat and chicken). Other sources of fat are nuts - nuts, grains - grains, meat and chicken fat, cream, milk, cheese, egg yolks, and the food is cooked with fat or oil. Fruits that contain a lot of fat is avocado (Almatsier, 2003).

Nutrient deficiency Substance
Lack of food sources of energy substances (carbohydrates and fats) will interfere with the growth of the child.
Short-term impact on children's development of protein deficiency is loss of consciousness, impaired speech and other developmental disorders. Long-term effects of protein deficiency is a decrease in intelligence, attention deficit disorder, disturbance reduction in confidence.
Regulatory deficiencies (vitamins and minerals) in children will lead to various diseases caused by vitamin deficiency eg thrush, give - give, etc. (Santoso 2004).

How to Treat Food Ingredients

Things that need to be considered in processing the food that is good so that the nutrients contained in food are not lost:
Rice is only washed twice only.
Meat and fish: cook until really mature, if not allowed to dry fried.
Vegetables: wash first, then cut into pieces, cook the vegetables should not be too long (not to soft and discolored).
Fruits: should be consumed in a fresh state that vitamin content is not lost
(MOH, 2006).
Substance Understanding Nutrition

How to Develop Healthy Dishes
Prepare meals daily based triguna food is the order that has three sources of energy, resource builder, resource regulator.
Use in a wide range of food ingredients, every day and is available in the local area.
Take advantage of the results of the yard to improve family nutrition.
Choose foods according to their ability and the purchasing power of families preferred.
Use of iodized salt for cooking food for the family.
Recommend early as possible and nutritious traditional foods favored by children
(MOH, 2006).

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